Movie Screening & Dinner

25aug6:15 pm9:00 pmMovie Screening & Dinner

Event Details

Join us for Dinner at our center followed by a screening of Three Minutes: A Lengthening at the Quad Cinema right next door!
6:15 pm – Dinner at 38 W 13th Street
7:20 pm – Movie screening at The Quad Cinema – 34 W 13th Street
So long as we are watching history, history is not over. 
THREE MINUTES: A LENGTHENING explores the human stories hidden within the celluloid.
Three minutes of home movie footage, mostly in color, shot by David Kurtz in 1938, are the only known moving images left of the Jewish inhabitants of Nasielsk, Poland, before the Holocaust. Those precious minutes are examined in intricate detail to unravel the human stories hidden in the celluloid. Tracing the story of those three minutes begins with the journey of Glenn Kurtz to discover more about his grandfather’s film, ultimately leading to identifying people and places otherwise erased from history, and helping to connect a Holocaust Survivor with his lost childhood. Co-Produced by Steve McQueen (Director, ’12 Years a Slave’). Narrated by Helena Bonham Carter.

*Registration is not guaranteed entrance. Must be Olami/Meor alumni and friends, ages 22-30 (or previously involved in Olami/Meor programming.)

Purchase tickets here

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