Passover 2021

Your Passover fix is right here!

Tell the story, bring it home. A walk through the Pesach Seder and its preparations. Olami Manhattan presents a video series to bring the Pesach Seder to life. The videos are inspirational, educational and some are instructional. May they illuminate and elevate your Passover at home this year!

The Seder Library

Passover is Here

Educator: Rabbi Shmuel Lynn

An Introduction to our short series of video insights on Passover Night.

Making Order of the Seder

Educator: Taly Zycer

Why is the Seder called a “Seder,” meaning the “Order”?  What does order have to do with freedom?

The 4 Cups

Educator: Margaux Betesh

What are we supposed to make of this gently-to-moderately intoxicating element of the evening?

Why do we Wash our Hands for a Vegetable?

Educator: Rabbi Jack Cohen

What’s the significant role of this unsatisfying appetizer in a meal that is meant to fill and fulfill us?

The Middle Matzah

Educator: Faigy Blumstein

The holiday is all about this flattened bread matzah. What is up with the middle vs the top or bottom?

Poor Man's Bread

Educator: Rabbi Mendy Brukirer

Matzah is about as basic a food as one could imagine. Why is it so central to the Seder?  How can it change us?

Why is This Night Different from all Other Nights?

Educator: Taly Zycer

The four questions are a memorable part of the Seder — one which we may remember reciting as children, but what are their deeper meanings to us as adults?

Educator: Rabbi Shmuel Lynn

Who are the Rabbis in Bnei Brak that the Haggadah speaks of? 

The Famous 4 Sons

Educator: Margaux Betesh

Are the Four Sons a rubric for diagnosing others, or a way for us to better understand our own levels of responsibility for our own education and personal growth?

10 Plagues

Educator: Rabbi Mendy Brukirer

How are we meant to relate to these miraculous attacks on the society that was oppressing us for over a century?


Educator: Rabbi Jack Cohen

Why are these three foods such a big deal such that if we don’t talk about them, we “did not fulfill our obligation” at the Seder?

Giving Thanks & Hallel

Educator: Rabbi Shmuel Lynn

The Seder ends with song and thanks – but why?

Concluding the Seder

Educator: Faigy Blumstein

How do we conclude such an auspicious evening?


Introduction to Making your Kitchen Kosher for Passover

Educator: Rabbi Blachman

Preparing your Utensils for Passover

Educator: Rabbi Blachman

Preparing your Appliances for Passover

Educator: Rabbi Blachman

Introduction To the Laws of Passover

Educator: Rabbi Avi Blachman

What is Chametz? Laws of Food on Passover

Educator: Rabbi Shmuel Lynn

Spring Clean
The Original Spring Clean & Selling your Chametz?

Educator: Rabbi Avi Blachman

The Final Check for Bread

Educator: Rabbi Avi Blachman

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